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Showing 323 results out of 323 grammars
GrammarYearTitleAuthorFirst edition 

The English-school reformed: containing first, rules, shewing the nature of vowels, consonants, syllables, diphthongs, dividing of syllables, and of stops and points. [...] And, lastly, an accidence adapted to our English tongue. By R. Brown, master of a private school in St. Ann's Parish, Westminster. London: printed for A. and J. Churchil, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, and E. Castle next Scotland-Yard.

Brown[e], Richard1View

A key to the art of letters: or, English a learned language, full of art, elegancy and variety. Being an essay to enable both foreigners, and the English youth of either sex, to speak and write the English tongue well and learnedly, according to the exactest rules of grammar. After which they may attain to Latin, French, or any other foreign language in a short time, with very little trouble to themselves or their teachers. With a preface shewing the necessity of a vernacular grammar. By A. Lane, M.A., late master of the free-school of Leominster in Herefordshire, now teacher of a private school at Mile-end-green near Stepney. London: printed for A. & J. Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster Row, and J. Wild at the Elephant at Charingcross.

Lane, A[rchibald]1View

The expert orthographist: teaching to write true English exactly, by rule, and not by rote. According to the doctrine of sounds. And by such plain orthographical tables, as condescend to the meanest capacity. The like not extant before. For the use of such writing and charity-schools, which have not the benefit of the Latin tongue. By a schoolmaster, of above thirty years standing, in London. Persons of quality may be attended at their habitations; boarding-schools may be taught at convenient times. London: printed for, and sold by the author, at his house at the Blue-Spikes in Spread-Eagle-Court in Grays-Inn-Lane. Where it is also carefully taught.

Anon / expert orthographist1View

The English scholar compleat: containing, I. An English grammar, or rather accidence, treating of the parts of English speech, and what belongs to them, which is the meaning of the word accidence. [...] V. An history of select proper names. VI. An English rhetorick. [...] compos'd for the use of an English school, at the Cock and Swan in Cannon-Street: And very useful for most people under academics. With a letter in Latin to all Latin-masters, recommending it to the use of several in their schools. London: printed by W.O. and sold by Benjamin Bragg, at the Black Raven, in Pater-Noster-Row.

Anon / English scholar compleat1View

A short grammar for the English tongue: for the use of English schools. Dedicated to the honourable Society for Propagating Christian Knowledge. By Willliam Turner, M.A.. Master of the Free-School at Stamford in Lincolnshire. London: printed and sold by J. Downing in Bartholomew-Close near West-Smith-Field.

Turner, William1View

A grammar of the English tongue, with notes, giving the grounds and reason of grammar in general. To which is added, a new prosodia; or, the art of English numbers. Adapted to the use of gentlemen and ladies as well as of the schools of Great Britain. London: printed for John Brightland, and sold by Mr. Guy, in Lombard-Street, Mr. Sare at Grays-Inn, Mr. Brown at Temple-bar, Mr. Mount on Tower-hill, Mr. Barnes in Pall-mall, Mr. Sprint in Little-Britain, Mr. Taylor in Pater-Noster-Row, Mr. Straham in Cornhill, Mr. Goudge in Westminster-hall, Mr. Bettesworth on London-bridge, Mr. Clements in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and other booksellers of Great Britain and Ireland.

Gildon, Charles and Brightland, John1View

An essay towards a practical English grammar, describing the genius and nature of the English tongue. Giving likewise a rational and plain account of grammar in general, with a familiar explanation of its terms. By James Greenwood. London: printed by R. Tookey, and are sold by Samuel Keeble, John Lawrence, Jonah Bowyer, R. and I. Bonwick, and Rob. Halsey.

Greenwood, James1View

The English grammar: or, an essay on the art of grammar, applied to and exemplified in the English tongue. By Michael Maittaire. London: printed by W.B. for H. Clements at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard.

Maittaire, Michael1View
711714? [1719]

The English spelling-book, revis'd; with alterations and additions. In two parts. Part I. Collected and digested for the weak apprehensions of children in their first steps to learning. Part II. Aims at a farther help, when their capacities are grown stronger. And may be of use to older people. By S. Harland, school-master in Norwich. London: printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, and W. Chace, bookseller in Norwich.

Harland, S.3View

John Wilds two penny accidence: corn without chaff, manifestly shewing how to form verbs without mood and tense; and adjectives and nouns by terminations only; with single words and letters for signs of case and gender. As it was usual in his school: put forth for the benefit of his scholars. Nottingham: William Ayscough, for the Author John Wild of Little-Leak.

Wild, John1View

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